McGuinty government is flying blind when it comes to the development of wind power.

Erie Shores Wind Farm

Erie Shores Wind Farm

Long Point Waterfowl is worried that the McGuinty government is flying blind when it comes to the development of wind power.

The waterfowl study group has set aside $300,000 for a two-year probe of wind turbines and their potential impact on waterfowl in the lower Great Lakes. Long Point Waterfowl is undertaking the research to address gaps in its understanding.

Scott Petrie, executive director of Long Point Waterfowl, is disturbed that the province wants to steamroll dissent on green energy projects when the scientific record is silent on the question of migratory waterfowl and wind turbines.

“I find what the McGuinty government is doing is very scary,” Petrie said. “They don’t want anybody speaking out against turbine locations. I’m very concerned about the Green Energy Act. We’re just trying to provide direction and to help ensure that green energy is as green as green can be.”
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