How could you turn down a sweet deal like this?


If the landlord offered to cut your rent in half and extend the lease at that rate for 10 years, you would likely rub your hands in glee and declare, “where do I sign?”

The financial benefits are immediately obvious, so why can’t the powers-to-be at Elgin St. Thomas Public Health recognize a deal when they see one.

Or, is executive director Cynthia St. John so bound and determined to find posh, new digs that she has completely lost touch with reality?

In August of last year, the County of Elgin offered the publicly-funded organization, whose Edward Street lease expired yesterday, a new, 10-year lease, with a further option for an additional ten years at a net rate of $13.50 per square foot.

The current contract called for a rate of $25.98 per square foot, so it doesn’t require an advance math degree to realize the savings.

As they say in those irresistible infomercials, “But wait, there’s more!”
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