The Horton Farmers Market is a wonderful success story – now let’s build on that momentum

The following guest editorial is from Bruce Stewart of Troy Media. The original version can be found here

A community guide to creating jobs . . . all it takes is one old building of a reasonable size with a number of merchants to share the space

Shelley Holmes, chairwoman of the board for the St. Thomas Horton Farmers’ Market polishes up their sandwhich board for the season opening of the market this Saturday at 8 a.m. until 12 noon. The market operates every Saturday until the end of October.

TORONTO, ON – “Where are the jobs?” That’s a comment you can hear over coffee from one end of Canada to the other. We look at our children and wonder where they’ll work. We look at those of us forced into early retirement because of closures and layoffs and wonder the same for ourselves.

A little creativity is all that’s required, and we’ll have lots of work for everyone.

Major employers are nice to have: it’s why town and city councils constantly vote to provide incentives to attract them. The trouble is that major employers don’t have the same commitment to the community and its future as local employers do. So how do we make more local opportunity?
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