Does it take an ex-mayor to get things done around here?


Former mayor Janet Golding left no room for doubt Monday evening — fixing the crosswalk in front of St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital is not the responsibility of city police.
The inefficiencies of the Elm Street crossing, and many others in the city, have been conveyed to the mayor and aldermen and the previous edition of council.
As Golding stressed in her deputation to council, there is no further need for traffic studies in the vicinity of the hospital crosswalk.
“A precedent has been established in recognition of traffic volume with the installation of a pedestrian-signalized crossing at Elm Street near Pinafore Park,” she noted.
And, while a police report is pending, “we contend that this is not a police matter. The responsibility is councils, as this is a traffic and safety issue.”
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The Leafs, a parking ticket and the administration of justice

What’s more likely to transpire first — a new consolidated courthouse for St. Thomas and Elgin or the Leafs returning to respectability?
With their impressive preseason record (faded somewhat by an opening night loss to the Habs, of all teams) the latter may be the safer bet.
That possibility prompted local barrister and solicitor Mervin Riddell to vent his frustration via a letter to City Scope.
“I urge city council to end the impasse with the province and support the construction of a new consolidated court facility,” he writes.
Ah, but here’s the kicker.
“At a location other than the 4 Wellington St. (existing Elgin County courthouse) location. The city’s lack of support for a new location will, in my respectful opinion, only continue the present delay and the absolute embarrassment of the facilities already in place.”
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Missing in action … one very much needed public school

It’s pass the buck time and the families of students returning Tuesday to Wellington Street Public School are fed up with the nonsense they have endured all summer.
Russell Brownlee is one of those affected parents and his frustration fairly leaps out of the letter he forwarded to the Times-Journal this week.
 According to either the Thames Valley District School Board or the Southwestern Ontario Student Transportation Services,” writes Brownlee, “this wonderful school, which is still very much needed and will be occupied by over 200 students this coming Tuesday, no longer is being recognized as an institution of learning.”
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