We’re being short-changed and we should be furious


Less than 72 hours after reader Bob McCaig last week regaled us with the tale of Madame McGuinty’s Teflon Academy (read here), what does the inspiration for this naughty narrative do but up and quit.
Not content to just step down, Premier Dalton McGuinty prorogued the legislature – effectively shifting the province into neutral.
Where does that leave us?
Short-changed, insists Elgin-Middlesex-London MPP Jeff Yurek.
We talked to him Friday to gauge his level of frustration with a premier who places himself ahead of those he serves.
“There is so much work that has to be done,” Yurek points out, “especially with the jobs problem in our riding. It’s huge. I’m sharing in their (constituents’) frustration. I’d rather be working in Toronto, trying to get this province fixed. But they’re not willing to deal with the issue.”
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