First Alma, then seniors get the cold shoulder

From Bob Foster:
Dear MPP’s,
It’s time for someone to stand up and question Aileen Carroll,about her lack of concern for senior citizens in this province,and for her horrific handling of Ontario’s built heritage.I’ve attached a letter written by a senior citizen,who is concerned about his locked in pension,and Minister Carroll responded by telling the senior “he was not in her constituency”,and could not assist him in anyway.Imagine Aileen Carroll,minister responsible for seniors,and she pretty much told the gentleman (a senior citizen),she will not assist him with his pension concerns.He wrote a second letter informing her that since she was minister responsible for seniors,should she not be assisting all seniors in the province of Ontario.He stated he still has not received a response to his pension concerns.He also stated other senior citizens have had the same concerns with Aileen Carroll,not responding to their many letters.She has also been giving excuses to opposition members,when they rise in the legislature to ask what exactly is she doing to rectify the concern of these seniors.She is also neglecting her duties as Culture Minister,for which I have pointed out on many occasions,her lack of concern with built heritage issues in this province,now she is completely ignoring the seniors citizens in our province,by not addressing their concerns,especially during this time of economic uncertainty.Aileen Carroll needs to be called on the carpet,and asked why she refuses to respond to the citizens of this province,when they have serious concerns,that need her immediate attention.
I urge all members to please read the attached article.
Aileen Carroll