A new council, a new attitude, a fresh start


Whither the Sutherland Press building? That was the point to ponder last week in this corner, and it didn’t take long for Suzanne vanBommel to take the bait.

Speaking on behalf of owner David McGee, she answered in succinct fashion.

“A new council, a new attitude, a fresh start.”

There is hope yet for the derelict and semi-roofless building that two years ago prompted the closure of Talbot Street.
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Rev. Matthew Penny’s charge to new St. Thomas council – Dec. 6, 2010

Your worship mayor Jackson-Chapman, members of city council, special guests, ladies and gentlemen: it is both an honour and privilege for me to be here tonight to speak with you and witness a new day, a new beginning, in the life of the city of St. Thomas.

Thank you Heather, for inviting me to be here tonight. As I look around at the members of council there are some faces I am not totally familiar with, but some I do know well. In fact looking around there are at least two of you whose weddings I have performed. Perhaps the way to look at what we do tonight is use the analogy of a wedding. You’re all wed, stuck with (?) each other for the next 4 years.
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