Accountability at city hall … $30,000 worth

Ian McCallum

Ian McCallum

It’s difficult to preach accountability at city hall when $30,000 of operational equipment, formerly housed at Northside Arena, has been destroyed or gone missing.
A year ago, council requested information on the whereabouts of equipment that had been earmarked for other city facilities and where the accountability lies for the disappearance of these items when Northside was decommissioned in 2005.
This past Monday, city director of parks and recreation Kent McVittie delivered his status report to council which suggests the city dropped the puck entirely on this one.
It appears there was a defined time-limit established for the city to retrieve items from the arena and once that expired, the contents of Northside reverted to the purchaser of the building.
“The time limit expired prior to the city retrieving all of the items that had been originally specified,” notes McVittie in his report, “and the building’s purchaser assumed ownership of all the contents.”
So, there you have it … city staff lose track of time and $30,000 flies out the window.
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Japan junket is double-double talk

Ian McCallum

Ian McCallum

The hot topic of discussion in city coffee shops this week swirled
around the merits of the forthcoming trip to Japan by Economic
Development Corporation CEO Bob Wheeler and Mayor Cliff
And to be honest, neither presented a convincing argument when
confronted by members of council Monday on the need, or timing, of
this trade junket.
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Former St. Thomas EDC manager has words for Daimler

Ian McCallum

Ian McCallum

Maurice Beaudry has a shoot-from-the-hip message for Daimler AG, the
parent company of the soon-to-close Sterling Truck Plant … you
screwed up and why should St. Thomas ratepayers suffer?
And Maurice knows of what he speaks, because in his former position
as manager of the Economic Development Corporation in the early
1990s, he played a leading role in convincing Freightliner to locate
in St. Thomas.
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