Required viewing for Mayor Cliff Barwick

Thanks to Richard Patton of Mississauga for comments and link to a wonderful video with Mississauga mayor Hazel McCallion and Rick Mercer.

I returned home Friday.My laptop computer was fritzed while in Florida, so I had to get up to speed.I got caught up on city hall politics & then receive the attached Rick Mercer video.
Worhtwhile seeing & remembering for future upcoming elections
The mayor of St. Thomas should see this.
May entice him to resign so the city can get with it! (instead of wasting time and taxpayers` money travelling to Japan, it would have been much wiser to have travelled to Pittsburg, PA. to see how that city has recovered from the loss of it`s industrial base to a booming entity.
I remember (when moving to Mississauga in the mid 1960`s). it was an area of small villages and towns. Shows what competent leadership can do.
Watch video