There is no denying the numbers, St. Thomas is where possibilities live

Without a doubt, this is an exciting time to be a resident of St. Thomas.
Exciting that is if you are not averse to change of epic proportions.
And as Sean Dyke, CEO of the St. Thomas Economic Development Corporation pointed out a presentation to city council on May 13, exciting because his organization gets to share “the really good news stories.”
Dyke continued, “I recall being here 15 years ago at the height of a pretty negative time in St. Thomas talking about a lot of businesses that were leaving.
“And, it’s so nice to be here at a time when we can talk about the complete opposite. The strides we’ve taken as a community to push this forward.”
To indicate just how busy the EDC has been, Dyke noted over the past fiscal year ending in March, they have had 856 consultations with different businesses.
From that, 256 new jobs were created in the community, which includes all of Elgin county.

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Joe Roberts is pushing back to change the system

15jt01robertsjpgFor Joe Roberts, pushing his shopping cart across Canada is the ultimate in paying it forward.

On Day 199 of his cross-country trek to raise awareness of youth homelessness, 49-year-old Roberts stood on the steps of city hall over the noon hour and talked about legacy.

“I’ve reached a point in my life where I wanted to pay it forward,” advised Roberts who, in his earlier years, was anything but a role model: homeless, addicted to drugs and living under a bridge in Vancouver.

“Seems like when we get to our late 40s we start asking questions about legacy and I wanted to do something with the story to point to what we needed to help prevent other young people from experiencing some of this. It’s not everyone who is fortunate to have a mom like mine.” Continue reading