Be proactive and rectify a dangerous situation

Our municipal officials have had a relatively easy go of it when it comes to fielding criticism from a disgruntled electorate. Sure, every member of council, Mayor Cliff Barwick included, fields calls and emails from upset residents on a weekly basis.
That is about to change Monday evening as former mayor Janet Golding turns up the heat as she stands before council to demand action on a matter no alderman has had the moxie to confront — unsafe crosswalks.
The Times-Journal headline two weeks ago today lays it on the line, “Two crosswalk lines … ‘mean nothing.’
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Missing in action … one very much needed public school

It’s pass the buck time and the families of students returning Tuesday to Wellington Street Public School are fed up with the nonsense they have endured all summer.
Russell Brownlee is one of those affected parents and his frustration fairly leaps out of the letter he forwarded to the Times-Journal this week.
 According to either the Thames Valley District School Board or the Southwestern Ontario Student Transportation Services,” writes Brownlee, “this wonderful school, which is still very much needed and will be occupied by over 200 students this coming Tuesday, no longer is being recognized as an institution of learning.”
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John Wilson not one to idly stand by while schools close

It’s been almost seven years since John Wilson vowed to become more active in school board issues.
In December, 2002, in his capacity as Elgin county warden, Wilson nearly blew a gasket when London trustee Joyce Bennett was re-elected as chairman of the Thames Valley District School Board.
The move effectively ended an accepted practice whereby each chairman served a one-year term and the position alternated between a London trustee and a representative from either Elgin, Oxford or Middlesex county.
“We don’t intend to stand idly by and have our communities torn apart simply because of someone who doesn’t understand what’s going on within the communities,” Wilson told the Times-Journal at the time.
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