Together Strong – Making a Difference, a conference on suicide prevention and child/youth mental illness

Together Strong – Making a Difference is a joint conference presented by The Ontario Association for Suicide Prevention and Parents for Children’s Mental Health.

The conference will be held in London, Ontario on April 15th and 16th at the University of Western Ontario, Engineering Department and The Ivey Spencer Leadership Centre. The conference will feature guest presentations including Eric Windeler whose lost his son to suicide and has started the The Jack Project as a result of his son’s loss. Personal stories of loss and triumph will be featured as well as workshops/presentations by leading experts in the field of Suicide and Child and Youth Mental Illness including Dr. Ian Manion, Dr. Simon Davidson, Dr. Jennifer Brasch, and many more. A feature panel will discuss the role of media in reporting suicide and dealing with the stigma of mental illness and will feature CTV Reporter Natalie Pierosara.

The conference will also feature a Gala Event with guest and keynote speaker – “Canada’s Sweetheart” Elizabeth Manley.

Anyone with an interest in child and youth mental health and suicide prevention is encouraged to attend this conference with a strong line-up of presenters and networking opportunities to increase our capacity to strengthen and build resilience in all those who suffer from mental illness.

For conference posterclick here