We all contribute to multi-million dollar CEO compensation packages

STEGH redevelopment sketch

STEGH redevelopment sketch

This corner has railed on at length on the retire/rehire shenanigans over at St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital. Some readers have even griped about CEO Paul Collins’ salary, which in 2011 was in the $205,000 range, however Collins could earn a maximum of $321,950 in his final year before retirement in 2016.

Well,that’s chump change compared to what the Top 100 private sector CEO’s pocket in salaries and bonuses, as witness this comparison documented in a recent post on the OPSEU blog here and reprinted below . . .

As we flail managers in the public sector for their annual bonuses, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives reminds us who is hauling down the really big bucks at everyone’s expense.
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