A key partnership aims to address the lack of affordable housing in St. Thomas

Editor’s note: City Scope has a new Facebook page at http://facebook.com/St.ThomasCityScope

They have become the second largest housing provider in Elgin county by continuing to build affordable housing units. Something they have done over the past four decades.
And now, Eastwood Housing Corporation and Doug Tarry Homes are partnering to expand the stock of affordable and safe housing in St. Thomas.
According to St. Thomas Elgin Social Services, the wait time to access social housing is anywhere from two to nine years.
Highview Hideaway, to rise at 220 Highview Drive, will ease that backlog somewhat through the addition of 82 affordable housing units.
Jon McCurry, Eastwood’s Director of Operations details the scope of Eastwood’s existing projects.
“There are 325 units across Elgin county. There are 11 properties, one of which is in Aylmer (Elkview Gardens). That is our newest acquisition.

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Time to get political with built heritage preservation

city_scope_logo-cmykThe city’s built heritage received a welcome ally this week with the establishment of an Elgin-St. Thomas chapter of the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario, with the aim of preserving buildings and structures of architectural merit and places of natural beauty and interest.
With the notable exception of Ald. Heather Jackson-Chapman, our elected representatives at all levels of government have done little more than talk the talk when confronted with heritage preservation.
Witness Alma College. Better yet, the two remaining orphaned structures on the Moore Street property.
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