Complete 2010 municipal election results from across Elgin

Heather Jackson-Chapman, 3,666
Cliff Barwick, incumbent, 3,158
Al Riddell, 2,910

(seven to be elected)
Lori Baldwin-Sands, incumbent, 5,366
Jeff Kohler, 4,691
Mark Cosens, 4,592
Gord Campbell, 4,415
Dave Warden, 4,037
Sam Yusuf, 3,760
Tom Johnston, 3,681

Linda Stevenson, 3,294
Peter Ostojic, 2,948
Bill Sandison, 2,699
Ryan Dolby, 2,607
Rose Gibson, 2,243
Joe Docherty, 2,114
John Allen, 1,966
Joan Rymal, 1,945
Joseph Fric, 1,708
Wayne Northcott, 810
Shawn Claridge, 631
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Official announcement on new home for HMCS Ojibwa

Board President Deborah Jarvis takes great pleasure in announcing
the successful candidate to be host community for Project Ojibwa,
the Museum’s effort to obtain move and mount the decommissioned
submarine HMCS Ojibwa. The host community for the Project will be
the Municipality of Bayham. The vessel and supporting museum
building will be located on municipal land situated in Port
Burwell, Ontario.

On behalf of the Members and Executive of the Museum, President
Jarvis extends congratulations to Mayor Lynn Acre, the members of
the Bayham Municipal Council, Municipal Staff and the citizens of
Bayham for their hard work, enthusiasm and support for Project
Ojibwa which allowed the municipality to submit their successful

The Elgin Military Museum looks forward to a long and happy
relationship with the Municipality of Bayham and its citizens.

Bayham mayor Lynn Acre will not seek re-election this fall

Bayham Mayor Lynn Acre has made it official, she won’t be running in this fall’s municipal election.

“I considered it carefully, discussed it with my family and friends and decided it was time take a breather from politics,” she said Monday.

Acre is on 14 different committees in Bayham, four committees at the Elgin County council level and on the International Plowing Match committee. While members of council are expected to be on committees, Acre is on more than most.

After retiring from politics, she expects to stay involved with some of her favourite committees. These included Museums Bayham and the Wind Interpretative Centre.

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